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发表于 2018-10-11 16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
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2018年10月10日下午,一艘名为“HAI JING”(海京)轮的巴拿马型散货船在广州航运交易平台竞价系统显示底价为700万美元,被4位买家激烈角逐,轮番出价,最终由某香港船公司以762万美元最高出价中标该轮,广州航运交易有限公司再次成功挂牌转让工银租赁境外船舶资产。去年11月,工银租赁首次以船东身份通过国内第三方交易机构广州航运交易公司挂牌出售境外船舶“海阔”轮,本次“海京”轮挂牌同样采用此类形式的交易,为租赁公司交易船舶资产起到了借鉴和带头作用。  同时广州航运交易平台与金融船东的船舶资产处置合作已成常态化。

本次“HAI JING”轮的成功竞拍,是工银金融租赁公司与广州航运交易公司双方携手推进粤港澳大湾区现代航运服务业的发展的通力合作结果;是双方对南沙区政府、工银金融租赁有限公司、广州航运交易有限公司和中国工商银行股份有限公司广州分行共同签约的“金融支持南沙国际航运中心建设”四方战略合作协议的落地见效;是双方支持“一带一路”战略节点及粤港澳大湾区建设,促进中国(广东)自由贸易试验区南沙新区片区国际航运中心发展的有力实证。


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“HAI JING”轮,IMO:9233595,香港旗,CCS船级社,总长224.95米,型宽32.26米,型深19.30米,满载吃水14.03米,夏季载重吨75928吨,主机MAN B&W 7S50MC,主机功率9340KW,2001年11月日本造,该船为正在运营的在航船舶,建造质量较好,船体结构状况和轮机设备状况很好,整体保养情况良好。



7,620,000USD hammer price of ICBC Leasing “HAI JING” bulk carrier by GSE shipping trade platform

Once again, ICBC Leasing joint hands with Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd. (GSE) to boost modern shipping service industries of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The bidding of panamax bulk carrier “HAI JING” started at 7,000,000 USD,attributed to intense competition of 4 bidders, the Hong Kong winning bidder won this bidding at final hammer price of 7,620,000USD on October 10,2018. This was the second oversea ship asset bidding of ICBC Leasing successfully organized by GSE. Last November, ICBC Leasing first assigned GSE as a domestic third party in the trading of an oversea handymax bulk carrier “HAI KUO”. The bidding case of “HAI KUO” and “HAI JING” took a lead in the disposal of leasing companies’ shipping assets. Meanwhile, the disposal of shipping assets GSE cooperated with owners in the financial field has became normalized.

The successful bidding of “HAI JING” shall owe to the cooperation and effort of ICBC Leasing and GSE in promoting the modern shipping service industries of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and fulfilling the “Finance Support Construction of Nansha International Shipping Center” strategic cooperation agreement signed by Nansha District Government, ICBC Leasing, GSE and ICBC Ltd. Also a solid demonstration of ICBC Leasing and GSE supporting “One Belt One Road “strategy.

With service functions including shipping assets trading, transportation trading, ship inspection and evaluation, brokerage, financing and shipping talents, GSE enhances cooperation with ship owners, brokers and shipyards worldwide, accelerates the development of Nansha modern shipping service industries as the main bearing zone of Guangzhou international shipping hub.

Description of “HAI JING”

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Contact the writers at cxy@gse.net.cn


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联系人:蔡小姐   cxy@gse.net.cn


参与人数 1金币 +6 收起 理由
xiaoyaodashi110 + 6 曝料有奖



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