2011 IEEE系统建模、仿真与工程数学国际会议-SMSEM2011(EI/ISTP)

2011 International Symposium on System Modeling, Simulation and Engineering Mathematics-SMSEM2011(EI/ISTP)

2011 IEEE系统建模、仿真与工程数学国际会议-SMSEM2011(EI/ISTP)

22-24 April, 2011 Wuhan, China

w w w.is sm sem.o r g

Paper submission due:                 16 January, 2011

Notification of paper acceptance:   31 January, 2011

Final manuscript due:                   08 February, 2011



Paper Submission System: ht tp://w ww.iss ms em.or g/s ubm issi on.ht ml

在线投稿系统: h tt p://w w w.iss ms em.or g/sub miss ion.h t ml

中文论文排版格式:ht tp://w ww .iss mse m.or g/Chi ne se_pap er_temp la te.do c

英文论文排版格式:ht tp:// www. issm sem.org/ English  _paper_te mp late.doc

2011 International Symposium on System Modeling, Simulation and Engineering Mathematics (SMSEM2011) will be held from April 22th to 24th, 2011 in Wuhan of China, which will bring together top researchers from Asian Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of System Modeling, Simulation and Engineering Mathematics. The Proceedings of SMSEM2011 will be published by IEEE Press, and all accepted papers of SMSEM2011 will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.

Journal of Computers ( ISSN 1796-203X, EI Compendex);

Journal of Multimedia (ISSN : 1796-2048, EI Compendex);

Journal of Networks (ISSN 1796-2056,EI Compendex);

Multimedia Tools and Applications (ISSN: 1380-7501, SCI indexed);

Information Systems Frontiers (ISSN: 1387-3326, SCI indexed)

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate recent advances

the following areas of interest, but are not limited to:

Area 1:System Modeling, Simulation and Application / 系统建模,仿真和应用

Area 2:Engineering Mathematics and Education / 工程数学和教育

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The Secretary of SMSEM2011

Email: sm sem2011 @vip.1 63.c om, s msem 2011@ vip.si na.com


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